What Is C60
Carbon 60 (C-60) is a Carbon structure known as Fullerene – after Bucky Fuller; based on the Buckminster Fuller Geodesic Dome design (nicknamed Buckyballs). C-60 is a molecule is shaped similar to a soccer ball; it is a molecule in the shape of a spherical ball, made of 60 carbon atoms (C60) with both hexagon and pentagon formations. C-60 is found in nature all over the planet as well as in space, as the result of the residuals of a lightning strike typically in soot or other carbon-based ash in very small amounts as well as man made within laboratories; but this is a labor intensive & expensive process.
Research shows it is 100 times more effective in removing free radicals than Vitamin E and 172 times more effective than Vitamin C. The C-60 atoms are chemically inert and the spherical ball shape forms a perfectly symmetrical structure, thus allowing unstable molecules, such as free radicals, to adhere to the C-60 molecules.
Health Benefits Of C60
CarbonShield60 olive oil has been scientifically proven to reduce the effects of oxidation and aging, resulting in a longer lifespan for mammals.
Clinical Research
In 2011, Fathi Moussa, a French scientist, led a team of researchers in a toxicity study on the C60 fullerene mixed with olive oil. Scientists discovered that C60 improved the lifespan of the rats. The C60 mixture actually helped them live 95% longer (that is nearly twice their normal lifespan) — the greatest breakthrough in extending the life of animals ever. Can you imagine doubling your lifespan by halving your aging?
Scientists attributed the results to C60’s antioxidant properties as well as to its ability to biodistribute: to cross the cell membrane and distribute throughout living tissues. Our CarbonShield60 is at the maximum fullerene concentration.
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Corrigendum to “The prolongation of the lifespan of rats by repeated oral
administration of [60]fullerene” [Biomaterials 33 (2012) 4936- 4946]
Countless studies showed that [60]fullerene (C60) and derivatives could have many potential biomedical applications. However, while several independent research groups showed that C60 has no acute or sub-acute toxicity in various experimental models, more than 25 years after its discovery the in vivo fate and the chronic effects of this fullerene remain unknown. If the potential of C60 and derivatives in the biomedical field have to be fulfilled these issues must be addressed. Here we show that oral administration of C60 dissolved in olive oil (0.8 mg/ml) at reiterated doses (1.7 mg/kg of body weight) to rats not only does not entail chronic toxicity but it almost doubles their lifespan. The effects of C60-olive oil solutions in an experimental model of CCl4 intoxication in rat strongly suggest that the effect on lifespan is mainly due to the attenuation of age-associated increases in oxidative stress. Pharmacokinetic studies show that dissolved C60 is absorbed by the gastro-intestinal tract and eliminated in a few tens of hours. These results of importance in the fields of medicine and toxicology should open the way for the many possible -and waited for- biomedical applications of C60 including cancer therapy, neurodegenerative disorders, and ageing.
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C60 fullerene attenuates muscle force reduction in a rat during fatigue development
C60 fullerene (C60) as a nanocarbon particle, compatible with biological structures, capable of penetrating through cell membranes and effectively scavenging free radicals, is widely used in biomedicine. A protective effect of C60 on the biomechanics of fast (m. gastrocnemius) and slow (m. soleus) muscle contraction in rats and the pro- and antioxidant balance of muscle tissue during the development of muscle fatigue was studied compared to the same effect of the known antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC). C60 and NAC were administered intraperitoneally at doses of 1 and 150 mg kg-1, respectively, daily for 5 days and 1 h before the start of the experiment. The following quantitative markers of muscle fatigue were used: the force of muscle contraction, the level of accumulation of secondary products of lipid peroxidation (TBARS) and the oxygen metabolite H2O2, the activity of first-line antioxidant defense enzymes (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT)), and the condition of the glutathione system (reduced glutathione (GSH) content and the activity of the glutathione peroxidase (GPx) enzyme). The analysis of the muscle contraction force dynamics in rats against the background of induced muscle fatigue showed, that the effect of C60, 1 h after drug administration, was (15-17)% more effective on fast muscles than on slow muscles. A further slight increase in the effect of C60 was revealed after 2 h of drug injection, (7-9)% in the case of m. gastrocnemius and (5-6)% in the case of m. soleus. An increase in the effect of using C60 occurred within 4 days (the difference between 4 and 5 days did not exceed (3-5)%) and exceeded the effect of NAC by (32-34)%. The analysis of biochemical parameters in rat muscle tissues showed that long-term application of C60 contributed to their decrease by (10-30)% and (5-20)% in fast and slow muscles, respectively, on the 5th day of the experiment. At the same time, the protective effect of C60 was higher compared to NAC by (28-44)%. The obtained results indicate the prospect of using C60 as a potential protective nano agent to improve the efficiency of skeletal muscle function by modifying the reactive oxygen species-dependent mechanisms that play an important role in the processes of muscle fatigue development.
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